
Lightwave & Company

🏔️ Your Measurement of Time ⏱️

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Happy new year Reader

Is it too late to still say that? Any who, how are you?

This is my first newsletter of 2024 and ever. For those who are new, welcome, welcome.

This Months Thoughts: The concept of Time

I know you have been over burdened with setting new goals for the year but can I share a secret? I don’t set new goals at the begging of the year. The month of January is where some people set their 12 month goals, other buy into the 12 week plan, while others use January as a reset to measure and accomplish something else. I use my birthday as my point of reference for time, instead of the standard calendar year.

Think about all of the possible points of reference of time.

Some colleges are on the quarter system ...while others are on the trimester or semester.

Another point of reference for time could be a birthday or job anniversary. Maybe you take a family trip ever year right before Labor Day and that is your point of reference.

So what is your point of time reference?

Is it a standard calendar year?

Or is it some other sort of measurement and duration?

Not sure yet? Take some time to experiment on what works best for YOU to become your best self.

If bite size works better for you, think about snagging an undated Be Great Planner to support you in whatever time horizon you maybe be experimenting with.

Once you have established the time horizon you want, focus on defining what success looks like for you ...

A lot of times success is wrapped around material things. Let's not do that and work through the five senses by answering the following questions:

  • What does success look like to you?
  • What does success smell like to you?
  • What does success taste like to you?
  • What does success sound like to you?
  • What does success feel like to you?

Bri, what do you mean by that?

Success for me

  • Looks like freedom to do the things that matter and rejuvenate me before doing things for others like a walk outside
  • Smells like a home cooked meal and the warmth of fresh baked goodies on a regular basis
  • Taste like that satisfaction of fresh scooped ice cream on a warm summer day.. peep I didn't say hot
  • Sounds like hearing waves clash on the beach at least 2 times a year. It also sounds like the people I work with and for respect and appreciate my contributions
  • Feels like my inner circling supporting me and hugging me as I venture into something new, whether personally or professionally

Through using the five senses, I now have a clear vision that is not only concrete but satisfies the feeling I want to have through life creating a vision to inform my goals. Now I ask you,

What is YOUR definition of success ?

What are 3 barriers stopping you from achieving success?

What is ONE thing you can focus on to get to closer to your success?

My R.E.P.O.R.T.

Read- Atomic Habits by James Clear .. a great book to start the year and building concrete ways to get your habits started

Eating- Chipotle Salmon Tacos (recipe here)

Playing - Swimming frequencies ... some else's playlist that is great work music for me (apple music link)

Obsessing - 75 hard/soft challenge... Day 15 here we go. Follow my journey on (instagram)

Recommending - FBI Most Wanted ... obsessed

Treating - Lunch away from my computer.... I know, I have to do better but we all have to start somewhere

Respond to this email with your definition of success :)

Until next time,

Cheese :)


Lightwave & Company

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