
Lightwave & Company

🏔️ The Value of Motion 🏔️

Published 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hey bookie!

New month, new newsletter. This one is packed with

  1. A quote that resonates with me
  2. Some of my highlights of the month
  3. OUR reflection
  4. This months R.E.P.O.R.T


“An L is not a loss but a redirection” – Me

February highlights:

1. Exploring Springfield, Tennessee

2. Unpacking what forgiveness looks and feels like to me.

3. Adapting my workouts to fit my travel schedule.

4. Appearing on a Black Alumni Panel at my Alma mater giving me the opportunity to make new connections to current students, past alumni, and strengthen connections with old friends.

5. I explored what family looks like at work and how we can continue to have impact on the business, our community's, and one another.

6. Still going hard with my 75 soft challenge and really enjoying the daily win piece (Follow me on IG(begreatbydesign) to keep up)

7. Spending quality time with those who continue to pour into me.


Busy isn’t even the word. Motion is the word. I have been in constant motion physically, emotionally and professionally. But there is one motion I wants to focus on, my journey with homeownership. I have lived in my house for 1 year, 1 month, and 27 days to date. In that journey there are 3 lessons 1 am beginning to carry with me:

  • One: Enjoy the process:

A year later, I look at the pictures from when I bought my house, to what my home looks like now. And when I tell you, it has come a long way. Within a year, I painted the whole house, got my floors refinished, did a soft renovation of my bathroom, my dining room got new paint, all new furniture, and the addition of plant babies (7 to be exact), replaced and upgraded my HVAC system, upgraded half of my appliances, added recess lighting, and finally got my garage door properly working. I lived through 2 demo jobs. Anyone who know me, I love structure, however this process has made me reframe what structure is.

Structure is not the same exact routine. The same exact way everyday but is aspects of important task daily. What do I mean by that? It’s not I go to the gym everyday but reframing it to how do I prioritize movement daily, which means sometime improvising with the help of YouTube. It’s understanding the current circumstances and welcoming shifting priorities. Which lead me to the next lesson…

  • Two: Understanding the difference between a want and a need:

In a similar breathe, know the difference between a need and a want. I always understood that from a financial perspective but not from a decision and urgency perspective. When I moved into the house I felt like it was always something because I wanted a complete, finished home. When I moved in, I kept a running list of all the things I wanted to change or fix. That list overwhelmed me. Realistically I also didn’t have the cashflow to do everything I wanted to do. So I make is a table with 4 additional columns,

  • Area of the house-. i.e kitchen, bathroom, basement
  • Energy - how much energy would it require of me. Changing a light bulk is low, painting is high
  • Cost- will it cost me $10 or $5k
  • Priority – how much is it impacting my ability to sleep, shower, eat, and feel safe

When I accepted the process, and understood what is needed verse what is pinterest-esk. In that, the last lesson was realized…


  • Three: Divorce perfection

As the golden child, my relationship with perfection and optics is pretty toxic to the point it is sometimes paralyzing. However my homeowner journey has helped me acknowledge that relationship and work through it. I have always wanted the perfect house that I have drew multiple times, but I currently have no need or desire from a maintenance standpoint for a home with 5 bedrooms, a hidden office, wine cellar, home gym, AND sitting on 2 acre of land. However, my home has my necessities and it will never be perfect. Why? Because I am always evolving, and my vision and definition of perfection will also continue to evolve. It’s all a moving target quite frankly.


I leave you with the following thoughts to reflect on:

- What about the process makes you uncomfortable?

- How can you align your priorities with your needs and the things in your control?

- What is your relationship with your idea of perfection? How is that idea holding your back from being great?

One of the things that have kept me on track and mentally sane personally, physically, and financially through my homeownership journey is my Be Great Planner.

Being able to see my priorities, track my spending, and my habits in one layout is a game changer. I even play with color coding my task by area of my life. Snag your undated Be Great Planner to support you in today.


📚Reading: True North: Emerging Leader Edition

😋Eating: Sourdough toast with raspberry jam 😋

🎧Playing: Podcast: Financial Feminist

💖Obsessing: My Apple Pencil

👩🏽‍🏫Recommending: Senate hearing: Pharma. Yes I watched all 3 hours. If you watch it, please share your thoughts

💆🏾‍♀️Treating: the nail salon .. yes I have become a gel mani girlie…

Until next time,

Cheese 😁✌🏾, Bri

Lightwave & Company

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