
Lightwave & Company

Paralysis of the Analysis

Published about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

I have a question for you, how many times have you been the deciding factor between the step in the right direction and procrastination?

Think about it how many times are you the reason or the thing that is stopping you from being just good to being great?

Will Smith has this story of the magical moment he was at Quincy Jones’ party and auditioned for the Fresh Prince of Bel Air on the spot.

He was at the party and all the right people who needed to say yes to doing the show was there.

Quincy: Will, you are going to audition right now.

Will was stuck and Quincy pulled him to his office.

Quincy: “ How much time do you need?”

Will : "About a week"

Quincy : "Well in that week Brandon will have something come up where he has to catch a flight somewhere and we will have to cancel”

Will: “Alright, 2 weeks sounds even better”

Quincy: "In that 2 weeks Bill will have something come up with his kids and if he doesn’t reschedule his wife wont be happy so now we will have to reschedule for 2 more weeks"

Will : "ok so a month..."

That was the moment that Will decided that all he needed was 10 minutes.

"I have to stop being the impediment to my own dreams and my own timeline. This decision right here, right now can make or break my future and propel me forward."

How many times has Will's experience been your experience?

How many times have you thought you needed more time. More preparation to do something.

"Ok I'll start next year, I’ll start next quarter, I’ll start next month, I’ll start next week"

No, No No. We get a new day every day, We get a new hour, a new minute, a new second every single day.

STOP being your own impediment and pull the trigger and become your best self. That is going to take you from being just good to being great.

Start by ordering your Be Great Planner



Lightwave & Company

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