
Lightwave & Company

✨GLOW✨ and 🪴GROW🪴 in every transition

Published almost 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

I've been in the mist of a few transitions BUT....

Something about being in transit gives clarity.

When was the last time you were in transit? Transitioning into a new habit? A new job or position? Moving? Or literally catching a flight somewhere?

Yes, one of these transit spaces is anxiety producing but can you imagine more than one? What about all of them?

As someone who recently when from completing one transition to now in the mist of three transitions, here are 3 lessons I have learned:

  1. Give yourself space to process and decompress. I am someone who runs to the next thing without celebrating and learning from a transition. I have missed out on key life lessons because I did not take a pause and reflect and open the door to learning something about the process and myself. It’s prime time to lift a mirror up to yourself
  2. Don’t get stuck in reflection. Contrary to the first point, reflect but don’t harp on all the things that went wrong or all the things you could have done differently. Pause and celebrate your transition! No transition will ever be perfect because you are human and you are never going to do something perfectly. READ THAT AGAIN AND ACCEPT IT
  3. Share your transition and your highlights with your loved ones. You never know how your experience can inspire someone else. I shared with my cousin one of my transitions and she texted me the next day and told me the impact just listening to me be honest about the realities made for her. So find your group that will help you celebrate by literally just listening in sitting in the moment with you!

I came to these realizations after reflecting on June in my Be Great Planner.

At the end of the month, you take a moment to reflect on what ✨GLOWED✨ in the last month...

what has room to 🪴GROW🪴 ...

and what are your upcoming goals to actions...

Two major personal accomplishments was never missing twice in my fitness journey, and refining and taking action on my career aspirations, all while doing a lot of traveling. My areas of growth are taking time to be present and start my day with space rather than haste.

So my question to you is, what can you learn from your last transition that you can take forward?

I would love to hear so feel free to reply directly to this email




Lightwave & Company

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